I Want The One At The Back!
So you consider what it is that you want to store - stock, household items etc. - and you work out how many square feet that is likely to take then you get on the phone to U Hold The Key and you book your store in Newcastle or Grantham or Durham or wherever. Fine. Now it comes to filling your store. It’s all logical at first but at some point you realise you’ll need to get to different stuff at different times and clambering over all of your stuff to get to the back is not appealing. A real smarty pants stacks everything down the left hand side of the store (you generally use the right hand door to access) so that they form a passage from front to back and everything is accessible. It may cost a little extra for the extra space but it pays back in terms of saved time in the long run. Our advice is don’t just go for the cheapest storage, consider how it is you are going to use to store when you’ve got it.